
Showing posts from December, 2019

First Semester of Junior Year Graphic Design Reflection

First Semester of Junior Year Graphic Design Reflection Throughout my first semester in graphic design, I've gotten the opportunity to go more in depth with design processes like patterning, illustration, and branding. From each of these projects, I have taken away at least one of the five guarantees of eComm. The most relevant of them being technology, as we spend most of our days designing on the computers. I've learned a lot of new features in our software this semester, especially the type that relates to patterning. I first used it with our patterns for the subscription box project, turning my designs into swatches and replicating them for the dielines. I'll definitely be able to use this with future projects and endorsement opportunities. The next most effective guarantee for me was communication. I relied a lot on the feedback and constructive criticism from my peers to critique my work. I took their thoughts and combined them with my own self-thoug